Welcome to 2021. In many ways we are in a brave new world. It is very pleasing that so many people want to continue playing and singing with us and that we also have a lot of people interested in joining us for the first time. Unfortunately, we have had to put a stop on new memberships and visitors for the time being until we settle into a new COVID normal.
Apologies for the fact that this newsletter is a little bit drearier than usual because there are so many things to communicate to you about what are essentially housekeeping issues. Once we’ve got everything set up, we can get on with enjoying ourselves again.
LUKES will have its own unique QR Code (Quick Response) at each of its venues. You will need to sign in using it as soon as you arrive at each venue. Please download the Services Victoria app on your phone and become familiar with its use. You will only need to add your name and phone number once the first time you login to a QR code and then your information will be saved. Then each time you check-in your saved information will be auto filled in. This will work on all Services Victoria QR codes you might encounter in your daily activities. For those without a smart phone, someone else can check you in but please do it yourself if possible.
For our existing members we are going to be spending a lot more time communicating through email and the website. So if you are one of those people who are not that familiar with using our website please contact Alison Davies (webmaster@longbeachukes.com.au or phone her on 0409 893 027) to get your login and password details. Don’t be alarmed, it’s really simple to use. What they call user-friendly.
All members are asked to fill in the membership form each year to keep our records updated. The form is on the website or you can get a paper copy at the next session you attend. You will have received an email from Veronica to let you know that your emergency contact and your suburb will be added to the website unless you opt out. It is very important that we have your emergency contact details readily available (by way of the secure website database) at every venue we may be using and this includes outdoor venues and entertaining as well.
Fees are due by February 28th. The annual membership fee is $10 and we are offering session fees at the reduced rate of $60 for the whole year, no matter how many sessions you attend.
A total amount of $70 will need to be paid electronically or direct to the Bendigo bank Longbeach Ukes Inc account. Details are on the website. Please note: when entering the bank details do not have a full stop after Inc !
After 1 March, all non-current members will be removed from the website database. Of course, if you decide to join up again in the future it is very easy to do this by downloading the membership form from the Home page of the website.
Please contact one of the committee if you need assistance with paying upfront.
We recently canvassed you about your preference for attending sessions at either Carrum, Mentone or both venues. It will be necessary to make your session bookings each week. The limit on numbers at Carrum is 30 and at Mentone 45. Once the booking list is filled, no additional bookings will be able to be made. Thanks to Alison for the wizardry involved in setting up the system. An email will be sent out to all members on Wednesday each week for the next week’s sessions. All you need to do is click on the link in the email indicating you would like to book in. There is no need to log into the website to do this.
However, if you wish to book in ahead of time and not via an email invitation, you can login to the members section and then go to forthcoming events and the list of events will be there and you just click on the availability drop down menu beside each event listed.
Please read the COVID Rules (direct link) which we have agreed to abide by with the City of Kingston Council along with the Building Induction Check List (direct link).
Our insurance does not cover us for any COVID related claims so it is doubly important that we demonstrate our adherence to these rules.
Also attached via this direct link is our Luke’s COVID Safe Plan which is a requirement of our occupancy agreement with Kingston Council. Members need to familiarise themselves with the contents of the plan. Be aware that we are advised not to use the air conditioning or fans in the hall at Carrum. So if it is a hot night, you might want to consider whether you can cope with that. Then again, there probably aren’t that many hot nights left this summer.
You will notice that there are monitors with various tasks attached to our plan. At Carrum we will be rostering the roles of hall monitor, desk monitor and cleaning monitor for one month at a time. For Mentone, we will only require a desk monitor.
Thanks to Michael Bell who is setting up the roster. If you were not at the meeting on Tuesday you will have missed being cornered by Michael. Please let him know when you are able to take a turn. His phone number is 0409 241 947. The only way we can keep meeting at Carrum is if we have 3 members to take responsibility for COVID requirements at each meeting.
As the kitchen will not be available to us at Carrum, if you get peckish you will need to bring your own food and drink, which may only be consumed by yourself. Nothing is to be shared. Unfortunately, this means that the little treats and badges we have become accustomed to receiving from the Ubiquitous Mr Fox will have to be discontinued for the time being.
If you are attending Mentone RSL, they have their own commercial kitchen and bar of course, and apart from a bottle of water you would not bring any food or other drinks.
Mandy Cooper is the LEGS (Longbeach Entertainment Group) leader. She has emailed all the Retirement Villages and others where we have performed regularly to find out what their position is on having performers on their premises.
In the meantime she would like everyone who wants to be part of this group to let her know by email lukesgigcoordinator@gmail.com
These will start as soon as we have 4 members wanting to join. Sessions will be once a fortnight in the Billiard Room at Carrum on a Tuesday night from 7 – 8pm.
Following the beginner session you will join the bigger group for the second half 8 – 9pm.
Email president@longbeachukes.com.au
We are maintaining our Pro Membership of Zoom just in case. We realise it is a less than ideal mechanism for singing and playing together, and we hope we don’t have to use it too often. We may use it for meetings and small hub performances.
LUKES is very grateful for the sponsorship of Pats Music on the corner of Warrigal and Centre Roads, Oakleigh.
They there and will do a few workshop sessions during 2021.
Pats Music is our clubs preferred supplier for 2021. All LUKES members are eligible for a 15% discount off Music books and accessories and if you're looking to by a ukulele they'll sell one to you for their best price. Just show them your 2021 LUKES Club Membership Card to receive your discount.
Pats Music generously donated 3 significant prizes for our Christmas 2020 Break up - '12 Days Of Christmas' video competition.
Here below we see our first prize winner Veronica Young with her new tenor Flight Sophia ukulele:

Mandy Cooper received her new ukulele from Luke Brown, Manager of Pats Music - as second prize winner.:

Alison & John Davies were happy to spend their third prize of a $50 Pats voucher on musical bits and pieces.

Well, that’s about enough boring stuff for one newsletter. I hope next time to reinstate the getting-to-know-you segment (promises, promises) and have lots of cheerful things to report on. Thanks to those of you who have been organising summer singalong activities lately. I know from reports that people are really enjoying the opportunity to meet up again face-to-face.
Stay well and keep strummin’!
Jill Thompson