About Longbeach Ukes

The LUKES' Story

LUKES encourages people of all ages in our community to create and enjoy musical experiences by playing and singing familiar tunes, having fun and improving our enjoyment of music, thereby contributing to our personal wellbeing.

We provide the opportunity for those who love music but feel unfulfilled playing on their own, to join with others in developing their skills and experiencing the joy that group music-making can bring.
From time to time, we run beginners’ sessions, workshops, open mic and theme nights.

The essence of all our sessions is to "Have a go!"

Theme nights have included an Australian Theme, Legends of Rock 'n Roll,  Celtic, Country & Western, Beatles, Blues, Elvis , Halloween, Guys and Dolls, Remembrance Day, and Christmas Songs and Carols.

Along the way different musical instruments have been introduced and encouraged and these all add to the texture and fabric of the music and challenge many a uke player to further develop their range of musical skills. Some of our members have even made their own instruments

Other instruments our members add to our ukes are bass guitar, bass ukes, harmonicas, kazoos, flute, percussion and drums and a beat box/Cohum plus many others, depending on the scope of the evening's music.

Most of all, LUKES is about maximising enjoyment & fun!


Copyright © 2025 Longbeach Ukes