Welcome to the new look Longbeach Ukes (LUKES) Newsletter.
My humble apologies that it has taken so long to produce this Newsletter but my energies have gone in to getting the LUKES website functional, amongst other things.
Firstly I'd like to thank Meredith East for introducing and producing the LUKES Newsletter from 2017 -2018. Any undertaking such as this takes time, especially without the voluntary contributions from members of the Ukulele Club. So I'd like to think that going forward this Newsletter isn't relying on me to come up with every article and photograph. I'm grateful to Andrew Hesketh for taking so many of the photographs that have been included in the website for the events and also for some of his event writeups.
I've had some input from others early in the year and then it was slow in getting to print stage. So from here on in, if you're at a LUKES event and have something you feel is newsworthy, please put it into print in a word document and email it to me. Photographs as JPGs would be a great addition.
Our new website www.longbeachukes.com.au is our main communication tool going forwards and to that end you will receive notification of upcoming events from that as well as run downs of recent events. Please mark the site as one of your favourites and you'll have no excuses not to be up to date on everything that is LUKES.
This week we have added a TRADING POST in to the MEMBERS ONLY area along with all of the SONG BOOKS and indvidual song sheets. Book 3 isn't far away so we'll notify you when that is on the website and available for you as a resource.
If you are struggling to work out the ins and outs of the club website, let me know and I'll run a workshop in the back room for those who need help. It's a pretty intuitive website so I don't think there'll be too many issues. Play around with it and become familiar with it for the next few weeks and we can reassess things early in August.
Alison Davies
As a means of encouraging friendship, courtesy and inclusiveness at LUKES we encourage all members to wear a name badge at each LUKES meeting. Some people have placed their Membership Cards in a plastic sleeve and clip it on their ...
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During the winter months we will be holding day-time Lukes meeting on the first and third Wednesdays of the Month starting on Wednesday 3rd July 2019 from 1-30pm to 3-30pm. The alternative meeting time is being considered for those who find it difficult coming out on a cold winters evening for these July, Aug and Sept months. These day-time meetings are in addition to the Tuesday evening meetings. Photographs of the inaugural meeting on July 3rd can be viewed in the Photogallery.
The day-time meetings will be held at Don and Meredith East's home at Richfiled Retirement Village, Aspendale Gardens.
To date 15 members have nominated to attend.
Members should bring their Lukes Main Song Books 1, 2 and 3 ( Song Book 3 should be available end of July ) and music stand.
The cost is the same at the Tuesday night meetings $5-00 per member and $ 10-00 for non-members, the sessions will be similar to our Tuesday night meetings c/w coffee and tea break half way through the session.
If you have any queries regarding these day-time sessions please contact Michael Bell.

The Annual General Meeting of the Longbeach Ukes Club Inc will be held on Tuesday 16TH July, 2019 at 7pm at Carrum Activity Hub, 38 Valetta St, Carrum. The ordinary business of the meeting will be: To confirm the minutes ...
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Every two months or so we have a Try Out / Open Mic night, co-ordinated by Tatyana.
The next one will be held on Tuesday 9th July and the one after that on Tuesday 10th September.
These are very popular nights on the club calendar and our members have taken on the challenge of performing with absolute joy and bravado.
Tatyana wrote " We LOVE the enthusiasm of our members who work on songs at home and want to showcase their work to the group. This is a great thing and it has been an absolute joy watching our many and varied members express their different personalities in the choices they make in songs and the styles in which they perform. Also, personally, I have been delighted to see people who started out as nervous performers finding their 'stage legs' and building in skill and confidence to become wonderful artists in their own right. Also I love seeing newer people taking the challenge to show us what they are working on at home. As practice makes perfect I look forward to their continued involvement and to see the growth of their skill as we have with others. But even as their skill is still improving we are witness to their passion and commitment and the expression of their personalities in their choices. We love this group and enjoy sharing with players both experienced and novices.
This is a wonderful opportunity for members to form groups and practise arranging and performing their favourite songs. Some members write their own songs and present them which always adds another dimension to the evenings.
The popularity of the evenings has led to the Committee setting out some regulatory guidelines.
We suggest that there should be 30 songs as a maximum for the night over 2 hours.
Guidelines for maximum participation to ensure finishing on time and equal sharing of airtime for each person are:
a. 1 solo and participation in 2 groups
b. 2 solos - no group participation
c. 0 solo - participation in 2+ groups (max 3 groups)
Prior bookings are essential and can be sent to tryouts@longbeachukes.com.au
The photographs for the March and May 2019 Try Out/Open Mic Nights are on the website.
It's late autumn and the Aboriginal members of the Darwu tribe in remote Central Australia asked their new leader Barnum if the coming winter was going to be cold or mild. Since he was a leader who had lived closer to civilisation for part of his life he had never been taught the old ways.
When he looked at the sky, he couldn't tell what the winter was going to be like.
Nevertheless he told his tribe that the winter was indeed going to be cold and that the members should collect firewood to be prepared.
But, being a practical leader, after several days he went to nearby cattle station and used their phone to call the Bureau of Meteorology and asked, 'Is the coming winter in Central Australia going to be cold?'
'It looks like this winter is going to be quite cold,' the meteorologist at the weather bureau responded.
So the leader went back to his people and told them to collect even more firewood in order to be prepared.
A week later, he called the Bureau again. 'Does it still look like it is going to be a very cold winter?'
'Yes,' the man at the Bureau replied, 'it's going to be a very cold winter.'
The leader again went back to his people and ordered them to collect every scrap of firewood they could find.
Two weeks later, the leader called the Bureau again. 'Are you absolutely sure that the winter is going to be very cold?'
'Absolutely,' the man replied. ' Our observations indicate that it is going to be one of the coldest winters we've ever seen.'
'How can you be so sure?' the leader asked.
The weatherman replied, 'Well our satellite data shows that, unlike in recent years, the Aboriginal tribe in your area is collecting a shit load of firewood and that certainly tells us that this winter is going to be much colder than normal’.
John Kingma
“The Girgarre Moosic Muster was great with over 40 workshops covering all sorts of instruments during the 42 – 44 degree heat over the mid weekend in January. Concerts on the Friday in the Memorial Hall and Supper Room and in the newly opened Sound Shell at the Gargarro Botanical Gardens on the Saturday night. Lots of free camping in the Reserve and others staying in Motels at Kyabram. Plenty of Walk Ups and Jam Sessions were great and 10 folk from LUKES had a good time and were kept busy with the various sessions which were on.”
Meredith East
We went to Girgarre Moosic Muster last weekend. It's a tiny town of just over 190 population, near Kyabram. We enjoyed seeing other members of Lukes there. The muster is run by an army of volunteers. Lots of walk-ups/ open mics, hatbands, workshops and on Saturday night a concert in their new soundshell. We went to workshops for strumming, tin whistle, singing and a few fantastic jams where nobody uses music books. This really challenges one to learn what chords are in each key, so that if someone says play a song in a certain key...you know what chords are likely to be played in it.
There are other festivals coming up such as Newstead, Blue Mountains, Melbourne Ukulele Festival. Paul can be seen joining in at Girgarre below
Julie Garner
