We start on a sad note. We lost two of our long-term uke family recently – David Paddington and John Benson. Both were wonderful musicians who often starred in our open mic nights, and we will miss them very much. Our deep sympathies to Fran and David's family along with Keiko and John’s family from all of us.
Michael Bell has provided this photo which is a lovely memory of the guys together, having fun.
Left to right: Michael Bell (founder and Life Member of LUKES), David Paddington and John Benson.

We have now had four weeks of happy face-to-face sessions at Carrum and Mentone.
The music is flowing and it’s great to see the smiles on your faces.
Thanks to everyone for your generosity in helping out when asked, stepping up to lead songs and following our Covid-safe rules.
Tuesday and Thursday Sessions led by Peter Grigg and Bradley Croft
Special thanks to Peter Grigg (Carrum on Tuesdays) and Bradley Croft (Mentone RSL on Thursdays) who have agreed to facilitate and plan the sessions. They would be very happy to have your input and any offers to run a night will be gratefully received. In our Getting to Know You segment this month we are featuring both Peter and Brad .
Peter is our immediate past President and has been a member of LUKES for a long time. He is a very accomplished uke player and has an excellent singing voice with a great range. His favourite mode of interaction at LUKES sessions is to sing in the round, and “Run Around Sue” is one of his many party pieces. Known to us all as Captain Pete, his relaxed way of leading these sessions is very popular with members. - Ed

Q: Tell us a bit about where you grew up
A: In Heatherdale In Melbourne’s Eastern Suburbs,in a cream brick house facing over the valley (where the Eastlink now runs) towards the Dandenongs. Mum and Dad thought that land on a slope was cheaper and good value.
Q: What has been your greatest adventure?
A: I have loved doing long walks and bike rides. One of my best adventures was hitchhiking to Cairns and back. In the late 70s. I was by myself but there was a loose group of us travelling at about the same speed. We stayed at hostels and camped. Queensland then was very basic. I even hitchhiked Fraser Island. Every day you weren’t sure where you would end up.
Q: Who or what has inspired you?
A: My parents weren’t perfect. They divorced when I was a teenager. But I have to admire and respect their tenacious love and support for me. Leaders like Dan Andrews, Tony Windsor, Fred Hollows and Tim Costello are great examples of intelligence and compassion.
My wife Anne is behind me 100% well maybe 98%? She has been a mentor to so many people in her career in education, not the least me.
Q: Who living or dead would you most like to invite to dinner?
A: Perhaps we could do a jam with Paul Kelly. That would blow my mind.
Q: What makes you laugh?
A: Over Covid I watched the whole series of “Friends” and that’s a lot of shows.
James Corden is very funny.
Q: What is your favourite music?
A: Human Natures “Run-around Sue” on you tube is very good .
Q: Tell us about a moment that changed your life.
A: In 79 I took my bike to Frankfurt and after fixing it (with parts form a bike shop in the red light district) I did a loop around Europe and Britain. It gave me confidence to take on life’s other challenges.
The birth of my first daughter Alice changed me forever. Bang! you are in love.
Q: The best place on earth is…
A: Coral bay on the Ningaloo reef in WA is pretty amazing. You can do an amazing reef snorkel just from the beach, and do it again the next day and again the next.
I also love Cradle Mountain, Beechworth, Bright, Sydney, Mt Feathertop, bike trails.
Q: How did you come to join LUKES?
A: I have been a member since we met in the small art studio in Aspendale. I should be good on the ukulele by now! But my playing remains rudimentary.
Q: What are your hopes for the future Lukes group?
A: I would hope we could continue to enjoy playing and learning together. Making new friends and performing to audiences. We bring the joy!
I’d like us not to grow any more.
Lastly when members perform on stage, or try to organise an event, or run a committee they are putting themselves out there. They are having a go.
It’s important that we continue to treat each other with courtesy and respect.
Peter has floated a few ideas about the sessions on Tuesday nights for us to think about- Ed:
Looking at Ideas and leaders for Lukes on Tuesdays Carrum in 2021
Hi Lukes Members,
Isn’t it great that we can get back and sing together again!
The club is looking at organising our agenda for the first half of 2021.
And here we are specifically looking at Carrum.
We are asking for people to lead a Tuesday. Make a songlist, or work from a specific songbook or make it a theme night. Then they can MC the night and let the fun begin.
We can assist you running the night, singing, and sending out information before the night.
So pick a night that suits you and email me. Possible dates for Brad’s workshop, playing and singing and a TryOut OpenMic night with Tatyana at the end of April are mentioned elsewhere in this newsletter. Other than that, I am seeking your suggestions and volunteers for Tuesday nights at Carrum.
Peter Grigg captainpete@y7mail.com
We asked members as we were coming out of lockdown what they might like to have in the way of sessions for 2021. Many of you said you would like to have some workshops, so we have had discussions with Brad and he will be visiting Carrum and Mentone to get an idea about who is interested in participating in a workshop planned for early to mid April. Guaranteed to be very helpful to budding entertainers and lots of fun. And if you really want to know what Brad gets up to, check out a couple of websites and his stellar cast of characters- Ed:

Q: Tell us a bit about where you grew up
A: I was born in Melbourne and spent the first years of my life in Prahran. I’ve lived all around Melbourne, E StKilda, Brunswick, Kew, Mitcham, Bayswater and Frankston, also spent a couple of years each in Wagga Wagga and Sydney.
Q: When I was a kid I wanted to be…
A: An adult. Discovered I wanted to be a performer in high school.
Q: What is your work and performance background?
A: I have run a live entertainment business for over 20 years called Funtastic Productions, (www.funtasticproductions.com.au ), and was working as a trained professional actor before that. I have performed everything from corporate events, international sporting & cultural events, children’s entertainment, school’s shows as well as teaching acting and performance classes.
Q: What has been your greatest adventure?
A: Running my own business.
Q: Who living or dead would you most like to invite to dinner?
A: Robyn Williams, Frank Zappa, Joni Mitchell, Keb Mo.
Q: What would you like to invent?
A: A left-handed hoozen-harpher. [WTF ?? -Ed]
Q: What do you wish had never been invented?
A: Donald Trump.
Q: What is your guilty pleasure?
A: Almond Magnum.
Q: What makes you laugh?
A: Billy Connolly, unpredictable comedy.
Q: What is your favourite music?
A: Jazz, Funk, Zappa, New Orleans street Jazz, Kurt Elling, Ella, Joni Mitchell, Mozart, ….
Q: Tell us about a moment that changed your life.
A: I gave a hitch hiker a lift into the city and discovered that I could go to the Victorian College of the Arts and study acting, without passing form six at high school.
Q: What instruments do you play?
A: I started off playing drums in primary school, to march the children into class. Through high school, I was always singing in the choir and had singing lessons through college and for about ten years after. In the nineties I had a love affair with the tenor saxophone and have recently bought an alto sax, that I am enjoying very much. I took up guitar about 11 years ago and since then have added ukulele, banjo, electric guitar and have gone back to playing drums. Music is life’s melodic adventure.
Q: What do you enjoy about running workshops?
A: I have had a lot of experience with performance over the years and enjoy sharing my understanding of performing and seeing people have their “Ah-Ha!” moments, or just getting a better understanding of what they are trying to achieve.
Q: What are your hopes for the future Lukes group?
A: I think Lukes is a wonderful and unique group, with a huge amount of friendship, camaraderie and enthusiasm. The best part of the group is seeing people pursue their potential and expand their lives, through the joy of exploring playing music with others.
Early to mid April (after Easter) to be advised.
People who are members of Long Beach Ukulele Club have come to the club for many different reasons, but I venture to say everyone has an interest/curiosity/passion for music and performing.
This workshop will look at many different aspects of performance and pull apart some of the most common stumbling blocks and aggravation areas that present when people, both experienced and novice, are confronted with performing, either in a group or solo, in front of an audience.
The workshop is going to be very practical, in that participants will be invited to partake in exercises and demonstrations aimed at showing constructive ways of addressing problems associated with performance.
Some of the areas to be broached in the workshop:
- HOW HARD IS IT TO PLAY & SING - Looking at the mechanics of playing an instrument and singing at the same time.
- PRACTISING SLOW AND LOW - Exploring the idea of learning a piece by playing it slowly in small, manageable sections.
- BEYOND THE FRETBOARD - How do your fingers map a pathway through the chords in a song.
- TAKE A BREATH - The first step to confidence on stage.
- IS THERE ANYBODY OUT THERE??- Crossing the threshold between stage & audience.
- WHERE IS THE STARTING NOTE & COUNTING THE BEAT- 2, 3, 4, 5 - A bit of practical work on common aggravations that are constantly overlooked, that will provide a solid basis to build a performance.
This workshop is going to be structured to involve all levels of players, from beginners to experienced and sets out to be a fun, interactive, practical way for participants to gain more confidence and enthusiasm for performing music.
Please remember to check the website for session details and book in to the sessions a few days ahead. So far, we haven’t exceeded our set Covid-safe numbers attending but we are getting close at times, especially at the Mentone RSL.
You may need to login to the Members Section to RSVP if you wish to add your partner and you share an email address. Check out the Members Section, there is a wonderful library of the majority of our LUKES songs and songbooks for Theme Nights that have been run in the past. If you've forgotten your login details, please contact: Alison Davies: alison@daviesdirect.net
Send your Tuesday night songlist suggestions and volunteer to lead a session at Carrum.
Please contact:
Peter Grigg: captainpete@y7mail.com
TOOM (TryOut OpenMic)
Planned for late April/early May.
After Brad’s workshop, you’ll be primed for success. Please start thinking about a contribution you could make to the TOOM session. No matter if you are a beginner or a seasoned player, all are welcome at our open mic nights. A notice will come out from Tatyana about this session, so please send your bookings to her at
As a means of encouraging friendship, courtesy and inclusiveness at LUKES we encourage all members to wear a name badge at each LUKES meeting. Some people have placed their Membership Cards in a plastic sleeve and clip it on their ...
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LUKES is very grateful for the sponsorship of Pats Music on the corner of Warrigal and Centre Roads, Oakleigh.
They there and will do a few workshop sessions during 2021.
Pats Music is our clubs preferred supplier for 2021.
All LUKES members are eligible for a 15% discount off Music books and accessories and if you're looking to by a ukulele they'll sell one to you for their best price. Just show them your 2021 LUKES Club Membership Card to receive your discount.